Overcoming Poverty Together

The public engagement process ended on April 30, 2024, and we are now entering the data compilation and analysis phase.
We wish to sincerely thank everyone who participated in the process by filling in the online questionnaire, submitting a brief, or contributing to public dialogues and focus groups!
For more information about the renewal of Overcoming Poverty Together, contact ESIC at 1-888-295-4545 or

Please take a moment to watch our introduction video.

Once every five years, New Brunswickers are asked to share their views on the issue of poverty and economic and social inclusion in New Brunswick.

In January 2024, the Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation (ESIC) kicks off the renewal process of Overcoming Poverty Together: The New Brunswick Economic and Social Inclusion Plan.

 From January to April 2024, New Brunswickers will be asked to provide their input on issues pertaining to poverty and economic and social inclusion, through a comprehensive public engagement process. Recommendations received from the public, stakeholders, organizations, government, experts and available research and evidence will be the foundation of the new plan.

New Brunswickers are invited to get involved in the public engagement process (January to April 2024).
There are multiple ways to share your thoughts and ideas:

Complete the online questionnaire

Participate in one of the public dialogues that will be hosted across New Brunswick

Submit a brief on the issues you think are most important to economic and social inclusion in New Brunswick


ESIC will hold small group discussions where individuals who currently live in poverty will share their perspective.

A background document – Looking Back to Move Forward – outlining the efforts of the last 12 years and the current situation in New Brunswick, will help participants prepare for the public engagement activities.

We invite you to complete the
7-minute online questionnaire