Individuals and organizations can submit a brief providing opinions, comments and recommendations on economic and social inclusion and poverty reduction.

In addition to a general call for briefs, a series of thematic briefs will allow individuals and organizations to consider more questions on specific issues that impact poverty and social inclusion. The thematic briefs will allow to delve deeper into certain themes to better understand the difficulties associated with them and to identify emerging or key issues and priorities that require action.

The public engagement process ended on April 30, 2024, and we are now entering the data compilation and analysis phase.
We wish to sincerely thank everyone who participated in the process by filling in the online questionnaire, submitting a brief, or contributing to public dialogues and focus groups!
For more information about the renewal of Overcoming Poverty Together, contact ESIC at 1-888-295-4545 or

To help with the preparation of your brief, please consult Looking Back to Move Forward